Is Bigger Always Better When Buying A Garden Shed in NI?

When it comes to garden sheds, bigger is not always better. While it may seem logical to opt for the largest shed possible, there are several factors to consider before making a purchase.

In this article, we'll explore some of the pros and cons of buying a bigger garden shed.


Advantages of a Bigger Garden Shed:

  1. More Storage Space: One of the most significant advantages of a bigger garden shed is that it provides more storage space. If you have a lot of tools, equipment, and other items to store, a larger shed can help you keep everything organized and easily accessible.

  2. Room for Activities: A larger garden shed can also provide more room for activities such as gardening, woodworking, or other hobbies. This can be especially beneficial if you don't have a lot of space in your home for these activities.

  3. Potential for Higher Resale Value: A larger garden shed can also increase the resale value of your property. If you ever decide to sell your home, a bigger shed can be an attractive feature for potential buyers who are looking for extra storage or workspace.


Disadvantages of a Bigger Garden Shed:

  1. Higher Cost: One of the most significant disadvantages of a bigger garden shed is the higher cost. Larger sheds require more materials and labor to build, which can increase the price significantly.

  2. More Maintenance: A bigger shed also requires more maintenance than a smaller one. You'll need to clean and maintain the roof, walls, and other components regularly to keep the shed in good condition.

  3. Space Limitations: Another potential disadvantage of a bigger garden shed is that it may not fit in your yard or the space you have available. Before you buy a larger shed, make sure you measure the space carefully to ensure it will fit and still leave enough room for other activities.


Factors to Consider When Buying a Garden Shed:

  1. Purpose: The first factor to consider when buying a garden shed is its purpose. What do you plan to use the shed for? If you only need storage space for your gardening tools, a smaller shed may be sufficient. If you plan to use the shed for woodworking or other hobbies, you may need a larger shed with more space.

  2. Available Space: The next factor to consider is the available space in your yard. A bigger shed may not fit in your yard or may take up too much space, leaving little room for other activities. Measure the space carefully before making a purchase to ensure the shed will fit.

  3. Budget: Your budget is another crucial factor to consider when buying a garden shed. Bigger sheds are more expensive than smaller ones, so you'll need to weigh the benefits of a larger shed against the cost.

  4. Quality: The quality of the shed is also important. A bigger shed may not be worth the investment if it's made of low-quality materials and won't last as long as a smaller, higher-quality shed.

  5. Building Codes and Permits: Before you buy a garden shed, check with your local building codes and permits. You may need a permit to build a larger shed, and there may be restrictions on the size or height of the shed you can build.

Alternatives to a Bigger Garden Shed:

If you're looking for more storage or workspace but don't want to invest in a bigger garden shed, there are several alternatives to consider.

  1. Vertical Storage: Vertical storage is a great way to maximize storage space in a small shed. You can install shelves, pegboards, and other organizers to keep your tools and equipment neatly arranged and easily accessible.

  2. Lean-To Shed: A lean-to shed is a smaller, more affordable option that can be attached to the side of your house or another structure. This type of shed provides extra storage space while taking up less room in your yard.

  1. Modular Shed: A modular shed is another option to consider if you want more flexibility in your storage space. This type of shed consists of several smaller sections that can be assembled and disassembled as needed.

  2. Garden Cabinets: Garden cabinets are a great way to store smaller items such as seeds, hand tools, and other gardening accessories. These cabinets can be easily placed in a corner or against a wall, taking up minimal space in your yard.


While a bigger garden shed may seem like the best option for more storage and workspace, there are several factors to consider before making a purchase. A bigger shed can be costly, require more maintenance, and may not fit in your yard or leave enough space for other activities.

It's important to weigh the benefits of a larger shed against these potential drawbacks and to consider alternative options such as vertical storage, lean-to sheds, modular sheds, or garden cabinets. Ultimately, the size of your garden shed should depend on your specific needs and available space, and whether a larger shed is worth the investment.